Here, you’ll find answers to the most common questions about the ECO4 scheme

What is the ECO4 scheme?

ECO4 is a government-backed initiative that has been put in place to help households save money and lower their carbon emissions with home improvements to increase energy efficiency. Introduced in April 2022, ECO4 will run until March 2026.

It offers £1BN of grant funding annually that does NOT have to be repaid. As such, it represents a huge cost saving opportunity for many people.

To qualify for the ECO4 scheme, you must meet certain eligibility criteria, such as your income, benefits and property type.

If I qualify, will I receive 100% of the funding?

For any energy efficiency measures that you qualify for, you will have access to the necessary home improvements completely free of charge.

Where does the funding come from?

Under ECO (Energy Company Obligation), medium and larger energy suppliers provide the funding for the installation of energy efficiency measures in British households.

Each obligated supplier has an overall target based on its share of the domestic energy market in Britain.

The obligated energy suppliers work with installers to introduce certain efficiency measures into British households.

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